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Pirkei Imahot: Eve

Our Jewish tradition is full of wise sayings. From the Bible through the Talmud, from mediaeval poetry to modern philosophy, words of wisdom were uttered by the mouths of men… mostly. Mostly, but not exclusively – and women’s wisdom occurs in some unlikely places.

Over the course of six weeks, the Lyons Learning Project will begin an online exploration of what our ancestresses have said, what male commentators have said they said – and what the women might have said had they been given a voice. We have looked at the seven prophetesses in an earlier series, now we will examine some other well-known and some lesser known figures. Together we will attempt to retrieve their words and start to create the ’Sayings of our Mothers’.

Full series:

9th November - Eve
16th November - Rebekah
(23 rd November, no session)
30th November - Rachel
7th December - The wise woman of Abel
14th December - Michal
21st December - Judith

The sessions will take place 7-8.15pm on Zoom.

There is not cost, but donations to the Lyons Learning Project will be appreciated. Click here to book your place.

November 7

100 Years of the BBC: The Émigré Contribution

November 14

100 Years of the BBC: A Conversation with Alan Yentob