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Jewish Medical Ethics: Just because we can, should we?

What is the role of religion if humans have the technology to replace body parts with artificial ones, test for and terminate problematic pregnancies and choose when to die? We tackle these contentious topics and more in our six-week series about medical ethics viewed through a Jewish cultural and traditional lens. This is the second series under our new partnership with Jewish Renaissance.

How do religious Jews handle new scientific breakthroughs that aren’t obviously covered by Jewish ethics and law? We find out in the first instalment of our six-week series. Professor Paul Root Wolpe, who directs the Center for Ethics at Emory University and is the chief bioethicist at NASA, where he advises on the medical experiments that happen during space travel, will be in conversation with Rabbi Joseph Dweck, senior rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community. The pair look at the broad sweep of ethical dilemmas presented by advances in medicine due to new technology and research.

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Images clockwise from top: Astronaut Chris Cassidy sequences microbial DNA samples © NASA; Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Professor Paul Root Wolpe

January 12

Age of Confidence: Taking Centre Stage

January 24

Jewish Medical Ethics: Designer Babies